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Y. Burak Dolu
founder, architect (m. arch)

He was born in Gümüşhane in 1984. He started his education at Yıldız Technical University Department of Architecture in 2002 and continued at Istanbul Technical University Restoration Master’s Program in 2007 and Athens Technical University (Politechniou) Architecture History Master’s Program in 2008.

The knowledge he gained from his freelance works since 2006 and the cooperative working environment he had, formed the basis for the establishment of KOOP in 2013. Y. Burak Dolu took part in many non-governmental organizations and voluntary organizations such as the Chamber of Architects, ICOM (International Council of Museums), Gümüşhane Culture and Art Association, GÜSİAD, Economic Development and Cooperation Platform, Sulukule Platform, YTU ICUS Construction Workshop. He still continues his voluntary work in various fields, especially in the protection of cultural heritage, urban rights and rural development.

His projects received various architectural awards, took part in many exhibitions in Turkey and around the world, and took place in publications.