Old Gümüşhane Travel Guide


This guide has been prepared for the discovery of Old Gümüşhane, which dates back centuries. The important historical buildings and their characteristic features in Old Gümüşhane were explained without mentioning the folk culture or the constantly changing topics such as where to eat.

The best way to describe the history and architecture of the area was to combine this guide with a map. Therefore, the important structures and ruins in the book were shown on the map with their numbers. Except for the important structures, all the structures, wall remains and roads in the area can be seen on the map.

In the Old Gümüşhane Travel Guide, a history that was about to be forgotten was told through the places and information obtained from its witnesses.

In the guide, which is examined under a total of 8 main headings: Administrative Buildings, Religious Buildings, Educational Buildings, Baths, Commercial Buildings, Bridges, Fountains and Residences, there are visuals of 42 qualified buildings supported by brief information.



Location: Old Gümüşhane, Gümüşhane, Türkiye

Client: Gümüşhane Municipality

Team: Y. Burak Dolu, Gamze Yeşildağ

Project Date: 2022

Type: Publication

Program: Book

Scope: Content, Graphic Design, Publication



Project Location

KOOP Architects


Şahkulu Mahallesi,
Kumbaracı Yokuşu, No:57, D:5,

Beyoğlu / İstanbul / Türkiye


Al Tayseer Street, No 67, Flat 403,

Al Ain Central District, Abu Dhabi, UAE





+90 212 293 73 83




+971 0 50 412 71 00