Süleymaniye 511 Block Concept Project
Süleymaniye Urban Renewal Area “511 Block”
The area referred to as “511 Block” within the Süleymaniye Urban Renewal Area is a triangular plot bordered by Vefa Street, Sarı Beyazıt Street, and Abacı Çeşmesi Street. It is situated at the
intersection of two main axes, Vefa Street and Kirazlımescid Street, which provide access to the Süleymaniye Renewal Area from the south. Due to the increasing slope towards the Golden Horn, the buildings on the Vefa Street side have a wide panorama of the Golden Horn. Additionally, 511 Block is part of the silhouette when viewed from the Golden Horn towards Süleymaniye.
Typological Formation 1:
In plots 1, 2, and 3 on the eastern edge of the block, a building group is proposed that includes residential and commercial functions compatible with the historical character of Vefa Street. This group connects different ground levels with passages. The passage continuing from Kirazlımescid Street on plot 3 defines specialized corner plots at the intersection of Vefa Street and Abacı Çeşme Street.
Typological Formation 2:
In plots 4, 5, and 18, it is proposed to continue a typology compatible with the row houses defining the character of Vefa Street, replacing demolished non-registered structures. In this typology, characterized by modular wooden civil architecture, brick firewalls separating the plots are seen as significant architectural elements. The preferred brick color in the new firewalls will slightly differ from the brick walls in the reconstructed registered buildings, maintaining the rhythm of firewalls along the street silhouette. Commercial units facing the street on the ground floor are separated from the upper floors by solid modular facade elements, with light wooden residential units on the upper floors. The levels of floors, roofs, and ridges in the residential units ensure continuity with neighboring registered buildings. Residential floors are proposed to be constructed using an infilled wooden framework system on top of the solid ground floor, enhancing the connection with traditional civil architectural works.
Typological Formation 3:
Old aerial and street-level photos reveal that plots 19 and 20 had masonry walls similar to the graveyard wall behind Rehabula Hatun Sebili, indicating the past presence of a primary school. To commemorate this demolished and forgotten school, the ground floor’s masonry wall image is preserved. On top of this wall, light structures with modular wooden frames are proposed. Garden walls between plots in Typological Formations 2 and 3 functionally divide and preserve the original character of the landscape, allowing private use of rear and side gardens by residents.
Typological Formation 4:
Plots 12 and 17, including Abacı Fountain and the adjacent small public area, have high access potential due to their proximity to the passage connection and the accommodation unit in block 506. The physical factors determining design decisions here include the plots being dug about 2.5 meters below street level and the high retaining walls behind them. Thus, two blocks are proposed, featuring workshops in the semi-basement, and accommodation units on the ground and first floors, all facing a common courtyard. These units are intended for students, researchers, or artists. The workshops facing the courtyard can be rented to the residents or outsiders. The blocks’ total height is designed not to exceed the retaining wall, ensuring the view from the garden level of residential and commercial units on Vefa Street is not obstructed.
Typological Formation 5:
Plots 6, 7, 9, and 11 include registered and proposed registered buildings. The structures on plots 6 and 7 are in a dilapidated state. Considering old photos, it is proposed to strip these buildings of additions over time to enhance their architectural quality. Interior layout proposals aim to make residential units smaller. Plots 9 and 11 will be restored based on available photographs.
Typological Formation 6:
Plots 13, 15, and 16 include Rehabula Hatun Sebili, graveyard, and Abacı Fountain, which are monumental works. These structures, deeply connected to the area’s historical identity, will be
restored in a manner befitting their historical character.
Location: Fatih, İstanbul
Client: İstanbul Metropolitan Governorship
Cooperative: Süveydan Architecture Consultancy (SMD)
Team: Y. Burak Dolu, Koray Bayraktutan, Merve Torlak, Gamze Yeşildağ, Şerif Süveydan, Celil Emre Kınalı
Project Date: 2022 – 2023
Indoor Area (m²): 4750
Land Area (m²): 3150
Type: Urban Design, Architecture, Restoration, Reconstruction
Program: Residence, Retail, Office
Scope: Concept Project
Project Location
KOOP Architects
Şahkulu Mahallesi,
Kumbaracı Yokuşu, No:57, D:5,
Beyoğlu / İstanbul / Türkiye
Al Tayseer Street, No 67, Flat 403,
Al Ain Central District, Abu Dhabi, UAE