Mersin Water Museum and Cultural Park
Mersin Water Museum and Culture Park is located on Mersin Akbelen Boulevard. The starting point of the project is to preserve the Filter Building, an industrial heritage dating back to the 1930s, and to create a public space that increases the quality of daily life with new buildings to be added around it.
The Filter Building, which was put into operation in 1938, is one of the filter drinking water treatment facilities in Turkey. The building, which has met the city’s drinking water needs for many years, has survived to the present day by preserving its original qualities and filtering system. The new museum structure designed next to this structure, which will exhibit its own mechanism, directly focuses on the city’s relationship with water.
In the project, which adopts a socially sensitive approach to urban development, main axis and secondary axes were defined and squares were created for pedestrian circulation, taking into account existing trees and cultural heritage buildings.
All of the new buildings, designed to respect and not compete with historical buildings, are single-storey. As the construction system, masonry compressed earth wall system, reinforced concrete and wood were preferred. Open, semi-open and closed spaces are designed depending on the climate in which it is located.
When the history of the Filter Building and its surroundings, which served as a water purification center for many years, was examined, it was observed that it was surrounded by orange trees and there were water pools nearby. Inspired by this, a pleasant living space was created through scale, surrounded by water elements intertwined with nature, embodying the relationship between space and nature.
Location: Mersin, Türkiye
Client: Mersin Metropolitan Municipality – MESKİ
Team: Burak Dolu, Merve Torlak, Koray Bayraktutan, Tuğçe Baylan, Şura Şahin, Beril Çağlayan, Rüveyda Hilal Akdemir, Celil Emre Kınalı, Gamze Yeşildağ, Özlem Kaya, Ceren Balioğlu, Simay Fidan
Project Date: 2021-2024
Indoor Area (m²): 5795
Land Area (m²): 19.330
Type: Urban Design, Architecture, Landscape, Interior Architecure, Restoration, Adaptive Re-use
Program: Museum, Cultural Park, Library, Ateliers, Restaurant
Scope: Survey, Restitution, Restoration Design, Concept Design, Schematic Design, Detailed Design, Tender Consultancy
Exhibition Design: Mithra İstanbul
Interior Design: Stüdyo Zon
Structural Project: Pina Yapı Mühendislik
Mechanical Project: Mef Mekanik
Electrical Project: Emrah İşeri Elektrik Mühendisliği Hizmetleri
Lighting Design: Tepta Lighting, Stüdyo Zon, KOOP Architects
Landscape Design: H.E.T Landscape
Photograph: KOOP Mimarlık
Project Location
KOOP Architects
Şahkulu Mahallesi,
Kumbaracı Yokuşu, No:57, D:5,
Beyoğlu / İstanbul / Türkiye
Al Tayseer Street, No 67, Flat 403,
Al Ain Central District, Abu Dhabi, UAE