Kızılcahamam Geopark Museum
The geosite areas of Kızılcahamam and its surroundings aim to present, promote, and preserve the findings that have reached the present from geological periods. The museum exhibits findings from geosite areas that have reached the present from geological periods and explains the related themes using visual and written tools.
One of the fundamental functions of the museum is to instill a love, understanding, and consciousness of the environment and nature conservation in all visitors, especially children.
Following the Geology Museum, ongoing conservation and exhibition efforts are planned to provide excellent service to both international and domestic education and tourism.
Geoparks are ideal locations for creating environmental awareness and educational programs. Like all other museums, our Geopark Museum is a learning environment that reproduces knowledge. We explain the geo-environment and the interaction of those who no longer live with those who do today through digital exhibits, films, games, replicas, and original artifacts. In our museum, we see traces from 23 million years ago when Anatolian lands were shaped during the third phase of geological time, a period of intense volcanic activity. We witness the landforms, different life forms of Anatolia, and their transformation and interaction.
After visiting the Kızılcahamam Geopark Museum, it is crucial for our visitors to explore the other stations of the Kızılcahamam geopark area, which functions as an open-air museum. The museum, which aims to promote and preserve our geological heritage, gains significance with its numerous attractions in the vicinity.
The museum is housed in an existing two-story building. The Kızılcahamam Geology Museum is planned to be a museum with international-standard infrastructure, visiting, research, and event facilities.
The themes and exhibition elements of the museum are as follows:
- Formation History of Anatolia
- Galatia Volcanism
- Catastrophism, Uniformitarianism
- Geological Time Scale
- Layers and Leaf Fossils of Güvem Geological Lake
- Film on the Geological Formation of Kızılcahamam and its Surroundings
- Story of Petrified Wood Fossilization
- The Plateau of 23 Million Years Ago: Kızılcahamam
- Silicified Tree Fossils
- How to Calculate the Age of Trees?
- Traces Left to Us from Natural Events Millions of Years Ago: Geopark Areas
- Film on the Black Vulture, Carp Fish, and Sequoia Tree
- Pelitçik-Yahşihan Fossil Forest
- Güvem-Beşkonak Geo-Lakes
- How Basalt Columns Form?
- What is Diatom?
- Cave Settlements in Mahkemeağacin
- Carbonized and Silicified Trees
- Abacı Fairy Chimneys
- Karagöl
All these themes are designed with various exhibition elements to appeal to different visitor groups. Fossils are displayed in showcases with controlled humidity, temperature, and light. Graphic designs, installations, and videos were created by our team. The aim was to enhance interaction for children with a sandbox, touch screens, and special areas in graphic design.
Location: Kızılcahamam, Ankara, Türkiye
Client: Kızılcahamam Governorship
Cooperative: Müze Sergi İşleri
Team: Y. Burak Dolu, Deniz Koç Çeliker, Ayşegül Kurt, Alper Karasu, Derya Koç, Hazal Alıcıgüzel
Project Date: 2018-2019
Construction Date: 2019
Indoor Area (m²): 450
Land Area (m²): 900
Type: Architecture, Interior Architecure
Program: Museum
Scope: Concept Design, Schematic Design, Detailed Design, Site Supervision
Project Location
KOOP Architects
Şahkulu Mahallesi,
Kumbaracı Yokuşu, No:57, D:5,
Beyoğlu / İstanbul / Türkiye
Al Tayseer Street, No 67, Flat 403,
Al Ain Central District, Abu Dhabi, UAE